Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, September 30, 2010

10 Weeks

Caleigh is 10 weeks old! Crazy! This was after our walk down the road, enjoying the beautiful weather! She loves to be outside and enjoys walks - today she fell asleep on our walk! She is so funny and her little personality is showing more and more each day. She does not like to lay on her back because she can't see everything - she likes to be sitting up so she can look around. She is constantly moving and is going to be a handful once she starts crawling!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Weekend in Little Rock

I finally got a couple good pictures of Caleigh with her big grin although the last few days they have been far and few between! She hasn't wanted to take any naps and isn't sleeping much at night~ I don't know how she is still going! They told us after her first shots on Thursday (which mom made it through without crying!) that she could not feel well for two weeks so I don't know if that is why she is acting different or if it is something else!

This weekend we went to Little Rock to help my mom with the big fundraiser for Beyond Boundaries ( On Friday we ran lots of errands for her but on Saturday we got to do a little shopping and then watch some of the Razorback game! It was such a good game and a hard loss but it still looks promising for the Hogs!

We were all dressed up to support those Hogs!

The 'Mane Event' fundraiser theme this year was 'Takin' It Back to the Country' so we had to get cowboy boots for Caleigh so she could look the part! Caleigh and her boots were quite a hit at the party! This was when we finally got back to the hotel room and she was finally ready to sleep a little!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

9 Weeks

Caleigh is now 9 weeks old and it seems that she changes everyday! She looks so old sometimes it makes me a little sad. I think this outfit is so cute and now it has a story....last night we were at church and Caleigh needed a new diaper. So I took her into the bathroom and laid her on the sink counter to change her diaper. Caleigh doesn't like to be still at all so once I took her shorts off she started kicking her legs and kicked her shorts into the sink. Her shorts going into the sink wouldn't be a big deal if the faucets weren't automatic! As soon as the shorts fell the faucet turned on and were soaked before I could get them out! So Caleigh went the rest of the evening without pants! I guess now we will make sure she has extra clothes in the diaper bag!

Today we got a surprise in the mail! Aunt Marcia is quite a good shopper and picked out some very cute clothes for Caleigh! This is my favorite outfit that she sent and I was so excited to find a Steelers cheerleading outfit!! This is Caleigh's first or many Steelers outfits! It's so cute too and even has little yellow bloomers to go under the skirt!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

We Love Our Weekends!

We love weekends because we have been able to spend a little time just hanging out together! Here is a look at some of our favorite things!

Watching Football!

Going to church on Sunday

And of course Nap Time!!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Good Morning

Caleigh slept in her crib all night last night for the first time....well she didn't sleep all night but she did spend the night in her crib! She did well and only got up a few times but we are trying to get into a new schedule and she has really outgrown her bassinet.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

8 Weeks

I can't believe how big my little girl is! It seems she is changing everyday! She holds her head up very well and always like to be sitting up so she can see what is going on. She fights sleep too because she doesn't want to miss anything. Today I laid her on her back under one of her gyms and walked away for just a moment and when I looked back she was on her side! I couldn't believe I missed her starting to roll over! Now I will probably sit and watch her even more than I do now so I don't miss anything!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

7 Weeks

This isn't a very good picture but you can see she is changing everyday! And I got a little sad this morning because she has officially grown out of her newborn clothes!

Labor Day Shopping

On Saturday before Labor Day we took a family trip to Rogers for Caleigh's first shopping trip. We got out the stroller and pushed her around for a few hours just enjoying the beautiful weather. She seemed to really enjoyed it since she slept through most of the shopping enjoying the stroller ride!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

First Pointer Game

We took Caleigh to her first Pointer game last night! We figured we needed to teach her early who she should cheer for and what a better game then the Van Buren vs Alma! The Pointers did a great job and showed great spirit as they beat Alma 38-7!! Way to go Pointers! We think Caleigh enjoyed the game because she slept the entire time we were there~ through the crowd cheering and whistling, fireworks, the band, all of it! So hopefully she will be able to attend another game this season!

Friday, September 3, 2010

6 Weeks

I'm a few days behind but this was taken when she was 6 weeks! I can't believe how much she has grown!

The Other 3

Our other 3 children! We love them all!


