Ok I know I desperately need an update because yes my baby is one year old! I can't believe it but can say it has been one of the best years of my life! People say they can't remember life before a baby and now I can really say the same thing. I can remember some things but I just can't remember what I did day to day with all the time that is now spent chasing her here and there, picking her up when she falls and gets a booboo, fighting her to eat anything besides ritz crackers, fruit and cheese, telling her no as she climbs over anything and everything, laughing as she flashes that big grin with incoming teeth and a big dimple, kissing her as many times as I possibly can before she pushes me away to chase Rascal or pick up a toy, watching her climb over the arm of her blue chair and then roll off the front. She is wonderful and I pray every day that she becomes the woman that God created her to be and that I can be the mom that she needs and deserves.
I promise to add pictures from her birthday party soon! And pictures from her watermelon shoot~ they are wonderful!!
Well Caleigh was all dressed up to celebrate the 4th! We had an all American lunch of Japanese food and ice cream! My dad grilled the night before! But no fireworks this year for Caleigh she was asleep by 8:00 and it wasn't even dark! Maybe next year....
Just one more month till my baby girl turns 1!!! It makes a little sad but so excited as she grows and learns new things everyday! It is amazing to watch her process things and experiment. I love just watching her play and "read" her books. She loves picking up the books and turning the pages and babbles the whole time! I hope she always loves to read! She still loves to be outside and loves to play in the water. She is definitely a climber! She loves to slide and swing and loves to people watch! She knows what the word "no" means and when she is told no she will look at you and blow kisses! She makes her mom and dad laugh everyday and we absolutely don't know what we would do without her! I never knew I would fall in love like this.
What a blessing this weekend was for our family! I am so blessed with a wonderful husband and a little girl that is always active and loves to be outside! We spent all of Saturday outside~~ yardwork early in the morning after Caleigh woke up, a picnic lunch and a long hike at Devil's Den and then dinner outside off the grill! Caleigh also got in the pool for the first time this weekend! We didn't get any pictures but I think we will have several more swim days because loves the water and it wears her out which her parents love! ;)
Caleigh loved playing in the water. It was a little cold but it didn't seem to bother her at all! She was so mad when we packed up to go back! I think she could live outside!
She was a little worn out and couldn't stay awake for the whole trip!
I can not believe this beautiful girl is already 10 months old! I can't handle thinking about her 1st birthday party! I'm just trying to soak up every minute! (Sorry the second picture is so blurry I can't figure out what is wrong with my camera!)
Trying to soak every everything even seeing little bitty sparkly flip flops on my dining room table.
Well it has been quite awhile since I have put anything up....I haven't meant not to blog but since Caleigh has become mobile I don't get much time to sit! She is everywhere and into everything! And she is about to walk!!! She is so close. She will stand and not hold onto anything and lean and stretch but still won't take that first step. I think once she does take one step there will be no stopping her!
She fills my life with so much joy everyday! I can't image being without her. She makes me laugh everyday and I can't give her enough kisses!