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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

1st Road Trip

We took a long weekend and drove to New Orleans! Yes it was a long drive but definitely worth it. We drove through the night so Caleigh would sleep and we wouldn't mess up her schedule too much. We went to visit Michelle and Michael and I got to go to the Steelers and Saints game.

Jackson Square

We took a trip to the zoo. Caleigh fell asleep as soon as we went through the gate and slept the entire time! but we still enjoyed the zoo!

Halloween Night. Our little lamb.

After dinner we watched the Halloween parade. It was a little warm that night and Caleigh got pretty hot so she watched most of the parade in her pjs that I had put on her underneath her costume.

Wearing her Halloween pjs after an exhausting first Halloween.

Michael and I were so excited we got to go to the Steelers and Saints game but we were sad when the Steelers didn't win. It was so exciting to have the opportunity to go to another NFL game and of course spend a few hours without toting Caleigh around. A big thanks to Michelle for hanging out with Caleigh while we went! We know she had a great time with you!

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